The SV Doodle

The SV Doodle was a tool originally built for the UbiComp 2013 conference to facilitate the organization of student volunteers. After thorough testing, re-programming, and successful test runs at multiple conferences it is now available as a general-purpose SV scheduling tool.

SV Doodle picture

For SVs, the tool offers the following benefits and features:

The benefits for the SV co-chairs are as follows:

And much much more! To see a quick demo conference setup, click here: SV Doodle Demo (login/password: guest). If you want to have admin access to a Doodle, sent me an email containing the desired conference name.

If you are a returning SV from one of the previous conferences and want to log in to the live Doodle, click here: UbiComp 2013, UbiComp 2014, UbiComp 2015, UbiComp 2016, UbiComp 2017, UbiComp 2018, UbiComp 2019, UbiComp 2020, UbiComp 2021, or UbiComp 2022.

For info, bug reports, or questions contact me.                                              (c) Christian Remy 2014.